Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Where I rome...

Old Mission Peninsula. Traverse City, MI


  1. I just want to sit down and read a book whilst sitting in the shade of this photo!

  2. Love it, looks like the perfect place to roam! I love little getaways and fun trips, and Traverse City is the perfect local! We almost went there instead of Chicago, we were tossing ideas around for awhile :)


  3. Gorgeous!You make being a domestic goddess look like fun. Happy WW!

  4. Thanks ladies!! It is, by far, my favorite place. It is the 1 place that I feel like I can just truly "relax" and do nothing. During the week, the word relax rarely creeps into my vocabulary (and by my own accord). But in good 'ole TC, I am free to sit on the beach, watch the waves come in and the sun glisten off the water and simply do NOTHING!!

  5. HA! Tab, you just made me realize that I used the wrong "rome"!! It was 4:00 a.m. this morning when I posted this. I guess my spelling skills were still asleep (like I should have been!!)
