Thursday, January 27, 2011

The waiting game...

We all play it. Sometimes it's for important things, other times it's waiting in an endless line of women doing the potty dance for the bathroom. This time, it's important. In fact, it's huge. This morning we are putting in an official bid on, what has potential to be, our dream house. I love our current house, but for many reasons, we have outgrown it. We always knew the day would come when we would leave our first home, but it has arrived much sooner than we thought. Naturally, I have already begun picking out paint colors and flooring and light fixtures. Call me Mrs. Cart-Before-The-Horse. I can't help it. It's not in my DNA to be patient. But in this particular regard, I have no choice. This morning, the papers will be signed to put in the bid. And then we wait.....but while I wait I will still be picking out paint colors, and sinks, and furniture...........[just don't tell my husband!!]


  1. YAY!!! How exciting! Can't wait to hear how it all goes.. and see pictures!


  2. Thanks girls!!! The bid is we just have to wait! The realtor said POSSIBLY tomorrow, but more than likely it will be early next week!! As soon as we know one way or the other, pictures will be up!!!!
