Sunday, February 7, 2010

25 weeks...

Every day is a toss up. Some days I wake up and feel fantastic, other days...not so much.  My energy comes in phases and I take full advantage of it while it lasts. Bedtime comes around 8:30 these days and I'm wide awake at 5:00 a.m.  Though my back is still bothering me, for the most part I feel pretty good.  I still get the occassional heartburn, but I'm sure that has just a teeny bit to do with my love of spicey foods. Ethan is still moving around like a little gymnist. In fact, I'm convinced that he never sleeps. Sometimes, early in the morning, I just lay in bed and feel him toss and tumble and it always puts a smile on my face!

1 comment:

  1. You look great!!! Such a cute little belly already. I think I felt pretty much the same way you are feeling at this time. A warm bath or heating pad for about 20 minutes seemed to help out a bit. Enjoy all those kicks!! :)
