Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What I want to remember...

And so it is...February 16th, our Anniversary. 2 years ago today we stood on top of the Sears Tower in Chicago, IL and read our very heartfelt vows to each other.  It was the most wonderful moment of my life, thusfar, and it's amazing that we now await our next wonderous moment...our little love, Ethan.

As I sit here looking at a picture of my husband from high school, it inspires me to take a mental picture of how our lives are, right at this very moment in time.  Sleeping in on the weekends, lounging in bed on a lazy Saturday watching movies, dancing in our living room, picking up and going whenever we choose....that will soon all change. I know that one day we'll look back on our lives now and find it hard to remember what life was like before diapers and 2 am feedings and packing the car with everything but the kitchen sink...

But what I want to always remember is the overwhelming love that I have felt for my husband since the day we met.  I want to remember sitting in our 10th grade English class, writing my name on his folder over and over again, sitting on the trampoline at 2 am looking at the stars, riding around listening to music on a warm, summer night, driving through the streets of downtown Chicago, our trips to Canada, our wedding day, the day we found out we were pregnant, our plain old lazy Saturdays and everything and anything in between.

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